Ari Explore Armenia
Hike, Travel, Adventure
About me and my hiking experience
I am Syuzanna Galstyan, originally from Armenia now based in Berlin. At age 22, longing for better education and challenges, I moved to Germany to pursue master’s degree with only a few hundred euros in my pocket. Since then, challenging myself has become a lifestyle for me. Without challenges there isn’t much growth and life is boring, isn’t it?
Professionally I work in the field of civic education. For the last two years, I have been primarily working on projects in Armenia. This has given me an opportunity to spend more time there, discovering Armenia’s highlands and cultural landmarks.
Since discovering hiking, it has become an important part of my life, a new way of self-discovery and growth for me. Stepping onto a trail rewards me with the most fulfilling feelings; it’s the excitement for adventure, the acknowledgment of difficulty and the dedication to reach the summit. Hiking is a wonderful way to escape the stressful pace of urban life, discover picturesque landscapes and explore a country from another perspective. Hiking is also a way for me to connect with nature and myself, which rewards me with feelings of harmony and inner peace. Last but not least, hiking gives me an opportunity to meet amazing fellow hikers from different walks of life.
Sometimes the hiking trail is easy, and sometimes it can be slippery, rocky, and muddy. It is the same in life. Sometimes everything goes smoothly and other times we face difficulties. Hiking is a way to train my persistence, strength, and patience. It is teaching me to not give up a halfway and reach the set destination, both in mountains and in life.
Liebe Syuzanna, lieber Hajk, wir schwelgen noch immer gern in Erinnerungen an Armenien und die schöne intensive Zeit mit Euch. Noch einmal ein ganz großes Dankeschön für die gute Organisation und die tiefen Einblicke in Landschaft, Natur, Geschichte und Architektur! Wir fanden die Reise superinteressant, wunderschön und auch sehr aufregend. Und das Essen war lecker! Ihr seid eine tolle Reiseleiterin und ein toller Bergführer. Für uns war die Kombination aus anspruchsvollen Wanderungen und Kultur optimal, auch wenn die Wanderungen nicht ganz einfach waren. Das gute Essen und auch die Weinverkostung musst Du unbedingt beibehalten! Hin und wieder wäre weniger Programm mehr zum Genießen und Du könntest vielleicht noch etwas mehr Zeit für Jerewan einbauen :) Herzliche Grüße von Susanne & Ralph